Synod update 2020

View this email in your browserDear friends,
  In the light of the changes COVID-19 has brought to our lives, we reflect on the kind of Church God is calling us to be.
During these days of isolation and social distancing we are experiencing different ways of being Church. Our prayer and worship has become transformed as we gather remotely, online, from our own home. Our sense of community is challenged as we find creative and new ways of coming together to meet, to socialise, to work, or to check in on each other.

Today begins our extra period of reflection as we consider what our Synod can learn from the experience of living through these difficult and different times. We have produced a short film and a leaflet to help guide your reflection. Please use them and encourage others to reflect too as we continue to discern the Church God is calling us to be. If possible, share these on your personal and parish social media.

Visit our website, reflect on the materials, and submit your proposals for action. We will close the online submission form on Monday 4 May 2020.

With best wishes

Fr Philip, Fr Matthew, Jacqui, and Matt
The Synod Office Team
   Please watch and reflect on this film. Alternatively, use this leaflet which can be downloaded and printed. Spend some time reflecting on the material and, when you are ready, submit your proposals for action by visiting the Synod Website