

For Christians, the Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. Whether we are baptised as infants or adults, Baptism is the Church’s way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God.

A person who is not yet baptised within the Christian tradition is able to receive Baptism. Everyone who is to be baptised is required to make a profession of faith. This is done personally in the case of an adult or those over 7 years old, or by the parents and the Church in the case of infants.  The Godfather and Godmother, as well as the whole Church Community, share the responsibility with the Parents for baptismal preparation, as well as for the development and safeguarding of the faith and grace given at Baptism.

Infant baptism programme

To help you prepare for the Baptism of your child and reflect on the responsibilities this brings, we as your parish family would like to invite you to attend our Baptism preparation program which involves:

  • A Welcome Meeting – providing an opportunity for us to get to know each other and meet other parents who are also asking to have their child Baptised.  We will look at the Signs and Symbols of Baptism as well as reflect upon our own Baptism and the renewal of our Baptismal promises. You will then be invited to attend the Rite of Welcome service with your child, the following week-end.
  • Rite of Welcome –  The parents, child and Godparents are invited to attend Mass  together (either 5.30 pm Saturday or 9.30 am Sunday).  At the end of Mass you child will be anointed during the Rite of Welcome. 
  • After completion of the above, you will then be able to contact the Parish Office to arrange a Baptism date for your child.
  • Baptisms take place after the 11.00 am Mass on Sunday mornings and will start promptly at 12.00 noon.  Families should arrive at the Church by 11.50 am.

Child baptism programme

Any child who is presented for Baptism aged seven or over, who does not attend a Catholic primary school, must complete a preparation course with one of the Parish Catechists. This will consist of 6 x 1-hour sessions.  

We look forward to meeting you and welcoming your child into the family of the Church.

 Please make your initial enquiry at the Parish Office