Deaf Craft Group

We formed this group, to provide a safe environment for Deaf People to learn craft skills as there are very few opportunities available and can be expensive if a deaf person needs to hire a BSL Interpreter.

Our group meets on a Tuesday morning between 9am – 12.30pm. and have two BSL Interpreters who volunteer their time to help the deaf in learning new skills along with a number of hearing volunteers willing to give their support.

We aimed originally to teach new skills to build confidence in a bid to encourage individual work. We feel we have achieved this and are delighted with the progress our members have made.

We are very much a support network for the deaf in both social and spiritual ways. We try to start the session with a signed Mass and regularly have our own services. On a social level we have had trips and meals out and are there to support each other.

We meet in the Jean Vianney meeting room at Christ the King and Our Lady church Queens Drive L156YQ on a Tuesday morning the group sells many of the goods they make to support the Millenium Projects.